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“My friends, do not lose heart… Regarding awakened souls, there have never been more able vessels in the waters than there are right now across the world. And they are fully provisioned and able to signal one another as never before in the history of humankind.”

~  Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

365 Women Tending the Wellspring of Life

A collective body of women who know the power and impact that conscious care and shared attention have in the world. Who nurture and protect an inner core of silence. Who heed the guidance that arises from that inner place.


A community of 365 women who choose to dedicate one day of 2024, to connect heart and spirit to the planet, to her people, and to the steady hum of deep peace and silence that dwells in all of creation.


Each of us would receive the mantle from the blessed woman who carried the day before ours, tend in our own way the earth and all human and non-human beings for 24 hours, and then pass this dedication into the waiting hands of the next caretaker for the day.


A steady, never-ending weave of deep, energetic love and surround – for all that is happening in every corner of this beautiful, aching home of ours and beyond.

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We are gathering willing women across our various communities and lines of connections. If this image sparks fire in you, feel free to reach out and let us know you have an interest in being a part of this. It is time and the need is clear. The process will have its own cycle of gestation and birth, beginning on February 10, the Chinese New Year. Your input is welcome. We intend a particular surround for young people. Not sure yet how to give this form.


Thank you to those of you who have participated in the monthly Day of Silence. We are grateful for your continued connection. Together we have tended a seed for 14 years, with a Day of Silence the last Sunday of each month, along with some kind of inspiration (See archive here). It feels as though this seed has matured and is ready to bloom and grow in new ways.


We cherish your presence,

Peri and Barbara

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